Monday, 20 July 2009

Tea time

Still no signed up members but Gini Andrewes admitted to having read my blog. Probably the Pope has had a sneaky look too. Its the mystery of blogging that make it so compulsive I guess. Forgot my password too and if i hadn't found it secretly recorded[ won't tell you where] that would have been the end of my blogging since the instructions for lost passwords was incomprehensible.


  1. Think I've managed to become a "follower" - not a word I would have chosen! I think I've also signed my life away to Google in the process ...

  2. I think I'm also your blog follower -- hope you don't lead me into deep oceans or high mountains! Blog sounds heavy, like slog. Perhaps it should be named Bloon...
    N. xx

  3. Hello Graham I follow too!!!
